Our Team

Timothy Bradford Jr., Ph.D

Dr. Timothy Bradford Jr. (T.J.) is a 5th generation farmer and an experienced agronomist credited with being one of the brightest and most creative minds in agriculture today.  His vast experience has led him to consulting on various projects and assisting farmers across the United States, as well as lending his expertise on projects in Africa and Australia. 

Dr. Bradford has long had a passion for agriculture, which led him to starting his career in Mississippi as a Soil Conservationist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).  After three duty stations in Mississippi, Dr. Bradford accepted a detail in Pennsylvania , followed by a detail in northwest Florida, and then transitioned to a Soil Scientist as he mapped and classified soils in Southern Wyoming.

After completing a Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences in 2016,  Dr. Bradford was tasked with developing the Precision Agriculture program in the Department of Plant & Soil Sciences at Mississippi State University. He was responsible for teaching undergraduate & graduate courses in Precision Agriculture and Vegetable Production, as well as conducting various research projects aimed at using precision agriculture to produce commodities in a climate-friendly manner by reducing inputs and creating precise soil management zones, while maximizing profit and yield for producers.

In 2022, Dr. Bradford became the first Director of Farm Transitions for Animal Outlook, where he created the first of its kind blueprint, designed for farmers who desired to exit the animal agribusiness sector, to grow sustainable, regenerative, plant-based alternatives.  Currently, Dr. Bradford serves as the Director of Agronomy for the regenerative farming company, Vayda; where he oversees all agronomic operations and is the chief architect of their regenerative cropping systems, including research and development. His primary goal at Vayda is to increase the number of regeneratively farmed acres in the world as quickly as possible.  In this role, he creates guidelines that are implemented on Vayda’s Mississippi farm hub to recommend to others, across the region and country, to define how to achieve and measure regenerative impact, and more importantly, integrate it profitably into at-scale operations, while minimizing inputs to ensure a sustainable future.  

Joy Bradford

Joy hails from a rich family heritage of agricultural producers in various forms.  Her great-grandfather raised livestock, as well as lowland cotton, and her family continued with a diverse operation that included beef cattle, goats, and horses.  Joy has always appreciated the complexities of agriculture and the beauty of nature, that was present in her since childhood.

Joy's vast background includes sales and marketing, and her passions are rooted in helping farmers and landowners achieve their highest potential on their farms through education, stewardship, innovation, & sustainability.  In her role as CEO, she often is the logistical mastermind behind the creative agricultural solutions that encompasses product delivery, input scheduling, project management, farm safety training, operational growth, and compliance.